Dec 23, 2023
Album Review of Let’s Have Rockin’ Christmas Volume Eight – Holiday Season 2023 - Bongo +++Boy Records the album receives a 5-Star ration on Roots Music Report.
As 2023 winds down to its conclusion, it’s worth checking out a Christmas music sampler from Bongo Boy Records entitled Let’s Have A Rockin’ Christmas Vol. 8. After 8 years of Christmas rock album compilations, Bongo Boy pulls out the stops on their 11-track Christmas 2023 spectacular.
Let’s Have A Rockin’ Christmas Vol. 8 combines a cross-section of gifted musicians on a decidedly New York / New Jersey style pop-rock album with some original songs but also some unexpected cover songs, all with themes about Christmas.
A good example of the original tracks here are “Christmas With You” by an artist called Boys'N'Barry, in addition to “Under The Christmas Tree” by a band known as Studeo. Both tracks are standout, infectious pop-rock tracks infused with a colorful holiday spirit.
Also here is a classical guitar version of the holiday favorite “Greensleeves”, performed by America’s favorite instrumental rocker Charles Brown, played to perfection. Taking an understated and relaxed approach on a mostly pop-rock album, “Greensleeves” sounds very fresh and the time of the season holiday sentiment fits right in.
The lead-off track “Christmas Must Be Tonight” by The NEW Bardots, featuring the guitar sounds of Gar Francis and Wayne Olivieri on vocals, sets the mood grandly with a rave-up rock cover of the Robbie Robertson classic and actually puts together the defining rock version of the low-key original by The Band.
Every track on Let’s Have A Rockin’ Christmas Vol. 8 is tastefully played and all in all, it's a good choice for rock and pop fans seeking a colorfully decorated album of contemporary Christmas-flavored sounds.
Dec 22, 2023
Dec 19, 2023
The Ark Of Music
Happy Holidays to the featured artists on our Holiday Music album as they are receiving raving music reviews!!! Here is one by The Ark of Music 12.19.23- Bongo Boy Records, the music label consistently championing an ever-growing indie music scene, presents another amazing compilation featuring the finest new and familiar artists preparing, or continuing, to break new ground and reach bigger audiences. And the focus of this particular collection? With a name like Let’s Have a Rockin’ Christmas, you can confidently expect the following: 1. Christmas music. 2. Christmas music…..that ROCKS!
So, let’s dive in to the eighth volume of Bongo Boy Records’ Let’s Have a Rockin’ Christmas, and see how many Christmas cookies one can scarf before the album’s final festive track.
Label regulars The NEW Bardots return with two tracks: album opener “Christmas Must Be Tonight,” and later track, “Santa Don’t Like Politics.” The first features big guitar chords, and a sturdy 4 x 4 beat. There’s some orchestra involved, giving the song some classic Christmas song sensibilities. And “Santa Don’t Like Politics”? It starts with a deep, fuzzy bass, a twinkling of sleigh bells, and Santa’s very simple, non-political perspective – a moral tenet built on uncomplicated notions of “naughty” and “nice.”
The second track, “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” comes courtesy of Lyia Meta with Mark Lanoue. This Christmas standard is given additional strength with Lyia’s powerful vocals, and granted a gray emotional overlay by bending this classic towards something elegantly darker.
Next up, it’s Charles Brown with his interpretation of “Greensleeves.” It’s beautiful classical guitar over warm, mournful synth washes. An excellent take, and something that, again, prods the music’s oft-overlooked darker bits into visible, crackling firelight.
And now, it’s label favorites Studeo with “Under the Christmas Tree.” It’s a great alt-rock track with slightly phasing guitars, and a softly sung positive message.
Boys'N'Barry return with “Christmas With You.” This is a mellow affair that sounds a little like Don Henley; it’s a positive track with rich guitars, piano, layered backing vocals, and a message of appreciated togetherness.
And MA BELL drops by with the perfect melodic present: “Christmas in the Country.” This is an upbeat, banjo-plucked ditty describing the simple joyous activities of those celebrating Christmas in smaller towns with always sizable hearts. With plain singing and old country sway, “Christmas in the Country” is the perfect soundtrack for hanging wreaths on Grandma’s old barn (and doing so, dangerously, atop several unstable bales of hay).
“Let’s Have a Rockin’ Christmas” by Jackie Kringles & The Elves (feat. Myke Scavone) is a slightly aggressive track dripping with some serious Christmas attitude. With guitar strikes, a steady, uncompromising beat, a squealing harmonica, and slightly diabolical vocals, “Let’s Have a Rockin’ Christmas” implores you to ignore the usual, boring, rock-free Christmas, and embrace a holiday with significantly more bass (and guitar, and drums, and maybe a little moonshine).
“Mr. Santa” by Annemarie Picerno is a bluesy excursion complete with all the hip-shaking blues fixins. It’s definitely one of the more danceable songs, and one that turns any boring holiday dinner into something slightly more sultry.
And don’t forget “2020 Christmas Star” by Gregg Wietstock. With shaking sleigh bells, acoustic guitar, and plaintive violin, “2020 Christmas Star” is another country-leaning song describing the importance of a certain guiding light.
The collection ends with a live version of “Little Child in My Arms” from Rita Faye Tanner. It begins with a spoken excerpt, and then a sweetly sung melody about the true heart of Christmas.
But, is it good?
If you like Christmas music that comes from the heart, and from artists who have plenty of heart to give, you’ll thoroughly enjoy Bongo Boy Records’ latest holiday collection, Let’s Have a Rockin’ Christmas, Volume 8.
July 25, 2023
The Ark Of Music
Various Artists - "Volume XXII"
Featuring a collection of award-winning artists from around the world, Bongo Boy Records Vol. XXII is an open-genre affair filled with various musical styles, including (but not limited to) Rock, R&B, Pop, and Hip Hop. Is Bongo Boy Records’ latest collection of refreshing talent as affecting as its formative releases? It is, and the following roster makes it so:
Boys’N’Barry follow up with “
Featuring a collection of award-winning artists from around the world, Bongo Boy Records Vol. XXII is an open-genre affair filled with various musical styles, including (but not limited to) Rock, R&B, Pop, and Hip Hop. Is Bongo Boy Records’ latest collection of refreshing talent as affecting as its formative releases? It is, and the following roster makes it so:
Boys’N’Barry follow up with “Crazy Mad in Love.” This is a fun, almost sock-hop-inspired song with early 60s vibes and subtle Doo-wop leanings. It’s charged, charming, and very catchy.
June 7, 2023 (Croatian and its translation)
Blues Corner
Various Artists - "Backroom Blues Volume Twelve"
Napisao/la Mladen Lončar - Mike
Kreirano: 07 Lipanj 2023
Korisnička ocjena: 5 / 5
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Kada iza sebe imate 12 nastavaka priče kojima promičete i potičete neki glazbeni stil, onda to svakako govori o vašoj sklonosti da jednostavno ne dopustite da vas išta i itko smetne s vašeg cilja. Backroom Blues Vol. 12 by Various Artists (različitih izvođača) je nova kolekcija skupljenih pjesama i izvođača koji nam se žele predstaviti. Monique Grimme je istinska zaljubljenica u ovaj glazbeni stil i dama koja će zaista učiniti sve da bi i poklonici i izvođači ovog glazbenog stila bili zadovoljni. Toliko za uvod...
Pišući o većini ovih izdanja, Bongo Boy Records iz godine u godinu postajemo svi zajedno svjesniji koliko je ovaj glazbeni stil zapravo bogat i raznovrstan. Koliko je glazbenika uključeno u sve to i koliko su zapravo slušatelji željni uvijek i iznova čuti nove stvari i nova imena.
Kroz godine bavljenja promocijom bluesa, ali i druge srodne mu glazbe postajem i sam svjestan da i taj segment ima svoju vrlo veliku važnost i značaj. Iskreno, drago mi je da mogu biti dio te priče i da sve više i više ljudi "kuži" da to činim isključivo iz ljubavi prema bluesu.
Kada me izdavačka kuća "nagrađuje" uzimajući i stavljajući moje rečenice u svoje promotivne press materijale osjećam se počašćeno. Istovremeno to u meni izaziva i veliku odgovornost ali i obavezu da se ne živi od "stare slave", već da ste uporno i stalno radi i gradi svoju osobnost i da se jednostavno radi na sebi.
Preslušavajući ovaj zadnji album i komparirajući ga sa ostalim izdanjima Bongo Boy Records osjeća i čuje se ta eksponirana progresija, koja samo ide dalje. Naime, nije niti lako niti jednostavno pronaći izvođače, koji moraju zadovoljavati neke kriterije i biti u prvom redu kvalitetni i moraju imati ono "nešto".
Dana 26. svibnja ovo izdanje je imalo svoj tzv. "street date", koji je itekako snažno pokrenuo cijelu priču i jednostavno zaintrigirao sve one, koji prate izdavalaštvo ove diskografske kuće... ili pak samo vole biti u toku i vole blues.
Ovo izdanje zasigurno će vam ponuditi široki dijapazon raznih pravaca ovog glazbenog stila. Od čvrstog blues rocka do soulfističnih fragmenata, jazzy nijansi pa sve do tradicionalnih vrijednosti ovog glazbenog stila. Sve skupa donosi nam 10 skladbi, koja svaka za sebe ima svoju osobnost i priču. Ono što je svakako značajno za potencirati je činjenica da sve ovo što čujete, čujte po prvi puta...barem osobno to ja tako prihvaćam i toga se uopće ne sramim. Backroom Blues Vol.12 definitivno je mjesto, gdje će se povezati svi oni koji vole blues bez ikakvih zadrški. Svi znamo priču kako je blues dobio dijete i dao mu ime rock n' roll. S druge pak strane cijela priiča ima svoju progresiju, važnost, snagu i značaj. Upravo iz tih razloga ova album je savršen izbor za široki i iskren pristup, te vrlo suptilan podsjetnik da blues standardi, kao i folk, jazz i drugi roots stilovi, doista nemaju konačan oblik, a baš to ih čini pogodnim za personalizaciju i daljnje istraživanje.
Poklonici bluesa će voljeti ovu kompilaciju Backroom Blues Vol. 12 različitih izvođača, ali i više od toga. Sa svojim rasponom zvukova i stilova, ovaj album djeluje kao savršeni izlog u kojem nam postaje jasno koliko je ovaj žanr širok. Ako ovdje ne možete pronaći nešto što biste voljeli, ono fakat, možda nešto nije u redu s vašim ušima i, naravno, nije to ništa osobno, samo činjenica da je to nešto o čemu biste mogli ozbiljno porazmisliti. Ili vam možda ovo više odgovara: The Backroom Blues series is one of the well-known multi-artist albums highly desired and requested by Blues radio DJs and Blues lovers from around the world. And here is the explanation why: Thanks to Bongo Boy Records, we have the opportunity to enjoy the Blues musicians who will surely be surprised by my music story. What this record label does has its significance and it actually shows us how to be persistent and should work to get as many people familiar with this musical style.
Over the years, it is indicative that more and more people are stuck in front of these releases because such compilations are a great opportunity for audiences to get to know a certain number of musicians, so if you are interested in something, then go ahead and look for more material than each of them. In this way, the story just spreads ..."
Više o svemu saznajte na:
Popis pjesama:
- The NEW Bardots – On Our Own 2:33
2. Gypsy Carns – Now I’m Alive 3:26
3. E.G. Holmes – Busted feat. David Vanden Enden 4:18
4. The NEW Bardots – Corporation Businessman 4:01
5. Bible Belt Blues – The House of the Rising Sun 5:21
6. E.G. Holmes – Mysterious feat. Karl Knutson 3:18
7. Boys'N'Barry – Think What Might Have Been 3:16
8. Bible Belt Blues – If You Only Knew 4:31
9. Tiki Cowboys – Crickets 4:21
10. Grit's Guitar – Missing You 9:49
(Bongo Boy Records)
Yours bluesy,
Mladen Loncar - Mike
What an honor to receive such a wonderful professional international review for our Blues album Backroom Blues Vol. Twelve by Various Artists and to also receive such sincere recognition for the work I love to do here at Bongo Boy Records - Thank you Mladen Loncar published on SoundGuardian Portal
When you have 12 sequels behind you promoting and promoting a musical style, it certainly speaks to your tendency to simply not let anything or anyone distract you from your goal. Backroom Blues Vol. 12 by Various Artists is a new collection of collected songs and artists who want to introduce themselves to us. Monique Grimme is a true lover of this musical style and a lady who will really do everything to make both fans and performers of this musical style satisfied. So much for the introduction...
Writing about most of these releases, Bongo Boy Records year after year we all become more aware of how rich and varied this musical style really is. How many musicians are involved in all of this and how much actually the listeners are eager to hear new things and new names again and again.
Through years of dealing with the promotion of blues, as well as other related music, I myself have become aware that this segment has its own great importance and significance. Honestly, I'm glad that I can be a part of that story and that more and more people "realize" that I'm doing it purely for the love of the blues.
When a publishing house "rewards" me by taking my sentences and putting them in their promotional press materials, I feel honored. At the same time, this causes in me a great responsibility, but also an obligation not to live off "old glory", but to be persistent and constantly work and build your personality and to simply work on yourself.
Listening to this last album and comparing it with other Bongo Boy Records releases, one feels and hears that exposed progression, which only goes on. Namely, it is neither easy nor simple to find contractors, who must meet certain criteria and, first of all, be of high quality and must have that "something".
On May 26, this edition had its so-called "street date", which really strongly started the whole story and simply intrigued all those who follow the publishing of this record company... or just like to be up to date and love the blues.
This edition will surely offer you a wide range of different directions of this musical style. From solid blues rock to soulful fragments, jazzy nuances and all the way to the traditional values of this musical style. All together, he brings us 10 compositions, each of which has its own personality and story. What is certainly important to emphasize is the fact that everything you are hearing, you are hearing for the first least personally I accept it that way and I am not ashamed of it at all. Backroom Blues Vol.12 is definitely a place where all those who love blues will connect without any reservations. We all know the story of how the blues had a baby and named it rock n' roll. On the other hand, the whole story has its own progression, importance, strength and significance. Precisely for these reasons, this album is the perfect choice for a broad and honest approach, and a very subtle reminder that blues standards, as well as folk,
Blues fans will love this compilation Backroom Blues Vol. 12 different artists and more. With its range of sounds and styles, this album acts as a perfect showcase where it becomes clear how wide this genre is. If you can't find something you like here, then maybe there's something wrong with your ears, and of course it's nothing personal, just the fact that it's something you might want to give some serious thought to. Or maybe this suits you better:The Backroom Blues series is one of the well-known multi-artist albums highly desired and requested by Blues radio DJs and Blues lovers from around the world. And here is the explanation why: Thanks to Bongo Boy Records, we have the opportunity to enjoy the Blues musicians who will surely be surprised by my music story. What this record label does has its significance and it actually shows us how to be persistent and should work to get as many people familiar with this musical style.
Over the years, it is indicative that more and more people are stuck in front of these releases because such compilations are a great opportunity for audiences to get to know a certain number of musicians, so if you are interested in something, then go ahead and look for more material than each of them. In this way, the story just spreads ... "
Find out more about everything at:
Track list:
- The NEW Bardots – On Our Own 2:33
- Gypsy Carns – Now I'm Alive 3:26
- EG Holmes – Busted feat. David Vanden Enden 4:18
- The NEW Bardots – Corporation Businessman 4:01
- Bible Belt Blues – The House of the Rising Sun 5:21
- EG Holmes – Mysterious feat. Karl Knutson 3:18
- Boys'N'Barry – Think What Might Have Been 3:16
- Bible Belt Blues – If You Only Knew 4:31
- Tiki Cowboys – Crickets 4:21
- Grit's Guitar – Missing You 9:49
( Bongo Boy Records )
Yours bluesy,
Mladen Loncar - Mike
JUNE 5, 2023 The Ark of Music
Music label Bongo Boy Records continues championing independent artists with yet another robust music collection. And this time, it’s all about the Blues. Featuring ten tracks from talented Blues artists, Backroom Blues Vol. 12, a compilation spun by multiple Blues DJs throughout the world, might be the strongest multi-artist offering yet. Let’s break it down.
The NEW Bardots, featured on previous Bongo Boy Records compilations, bring their usual down and dirty electric sound with “On Your Own.” Starting with a strong and steady riff, perfectly mixed drums, light backing organ, and raw, definitely-made-for-the-Blues vocals, “On Your Own” is a powerful, no-nonsense kickoff.
Track #2 by the Gypsy Carns, “Now I’m Alive,” immediately reminds me of George Thorogood’s “Bad to the Bone,” but the chorus, thankfully, diverges. With ample harmonica and a voice worn from life, singing, and perhaps copious liquor, “Now I’m Alive” is a tried and true Blues testimonial.
“Busted” by E.G. Homes (and featuring David Vanden Enden) is a softer offering kicking off with twinkling piano and clean Blues soloing. There are some surprising chord changes that aren’t regularly associated with Blues, so this track, with especially powerful male vocals, makes a more unique and powerful statement.
Did I hear you say, “We want more from The NEW Bardots”? We have you covered with track #4, “Corporation Businessman.” And, made quite obvious by the lyrics, The NEW Bardots don’t think highly of corporation businessmen. With scratchy guitars and some accompanying harmonica, this mid-tempo track sows a little well-earned distrust for those benefiting from perhaps unfair corporate structure.
Track #5, “The House of the Rising Sun,” gets the acoustic treatment courtesy of Bible Belt Blues. Although missing the powerful vocals of The Animals’ Eric Burdon, this more solemn interpretation truly sits with the song’s glaring anguish.
E.G. Homes (and featuring Karl Knutson) returns with another more unique Blues entry, “Mysterious.” This time with horns, “Mysterious,” based again on piano, is another strong release with those expressive male vocals. I hate to play favorites – as taste is purely subjective – but E.G. Homes (and whomever guests) seems to have an edge over other Blues artists with a refreshing divergence from expected Blues passages.
Track #7 features another veteran of Bongo Boy Records compilations, Boys'N'Barry, with “Think What Might Have Been.” This time with a female singer – and a VERY different offering from Bongo Boy Records’ Kryp II Knight Vol. IV – “Think What Might Have Been” features slinking horns, brushed drums, and jazzy piano. This is akin to a 1940’s nightclub performance, and I can almost envision the performers through a chorus of clinking glasses and an obtrusive veil of cigarette smoke.
Bible Belt Blues returns with “If Only You Knew.” The song starts with surprisingly electronic percussion underneath a sliding acoustic guitar. This is another scaled down, personal performance that only relies on truth to properly express a heartfelt message.
“Crickets” from the Tiki Cowboys starts with….well, crickets. And then mandolin-like strumming accompanies drums when the verse kicks in. Although the narrator/singer is obviously pained while waiting for a response (probably from a potential romantic partner), the song is surprisingly upbeat and melodically…hopeful? Aware this perspective is a bit…silly? The chorus opens up with delayed slide guitar and space-filling organ; a nice and airy uptick from the narrator’s narrow mental focus. “Crickets” is another nice divergence, very self-aware, and immediately appreciated.
The final track, “Missing You” from Grit's Guitar, starts with a big (but clean) guitar chord and an easy, laid-back drum beat. This is an instrumental featuring melodic leads gaining incremental aggression as the song persists. This is a pared down closer that truly tells a tragic tale in every laboriously bent note.
If you like the Blues, and you want to hear the latest contributors to this musical American legacy, we HIGHLY recommend Bongo Boy Records’ Backroom Blues Vol. 12.
Listen to Bongo Boy Records’ Backroom Blues Vol. 12 and connect with their website and social media platforms. Please support Bongo Boy Records by visiting them online, and playing, downloading, and/or purchasing their music! And, as always, thank you for supporting real music!
June 3, 2023 (Bost, MA) Review – Bongo Boy Records Backroom Blues Vol. Twelve by Various Artists by Skope •
The NEW Bardots delves into a wild, cacophonous sense of the blues with “On Our Own.” As they let it rip, volume is a given, incorporating guitar athletics alongside unhinged rhythms. A force of nature, they hold nothing back.
Harmonica proves to accompany the wild presence of Gypsy Carns’ “Now I’m Alive.” Faith-based, the message has an otherworldly presence. Drums kick it out, for the piece has an intrinsic beauty.
Delicate piano adorns “Busted (feat. David Vanden Enden)” for E.G., Holmes goes for a noir-like cadence. Like being lost in a dream, they allow the rest of the sound to feel life-affirming. The layered approach works its magic.
Sly grooves underpin “Corporation Businessman” as The NEW Bardots have a wildness right at the periphery of their sound. Guitars play off each other in this dazzling display. The song has a laid-back presence.
Things go right for the intimate on the stripped-down essence of “The House of the Rising Sun,” with his voice rising to the sky. A cautionary tale for sure, the piece unfurls in a majestic stance. Everything about it has this hallowed cadence.
Official Webpage for album:
E.G. Holmes presents a dignified parade on the darkened edges of “Mysterious (feat. Karl Knutson).” They have fantastic interplay, emphasizing the importance of community. Horns add to this sense of the immense.
Hushed late-night jazz emerges on the Boys'N'Barry’s “Think What Might Have Been.” Yearning to its core, the song has a stately elegance. Lyrics offer a sense of introspection.
Skeletal structures emerge with “If You Only Knew” as the Bible Belt Blues has a hot, humid confessional quality. Things here take their time, as the song threatens pure collapse. He hints at a potentially darker path.
The soothing calm of “Crickets” shows off the giddy nature of Tiki Cowboys. Much of the work goes for this buildup, as the song feels so joyous. Vocals rest right in the center, with the percussion further adding to the twee sensibility.
A pure vibe emerges on the epic finale of “Missing You” as Grit's Guitar possesses some impeccable chops. The song manages to tell an entire story without saying a single word. Quite entrancing, it brings things to a close.
Various Artists featured on this Blues album:
- The NEW Bardots – On Our Own 2:33
- Gypsy Carns – Now I’m Alive 3:26
- E.G. Holmes – Busted feat. David Vanden Enden 4:18
- The NEW Bardots – Corporation Businessman 4:01
- Bible Belt Blues – The House of the Rising Sun 5:21
- E.G. Holmes – Mysterious feat. Karl Knutson 3:18
- Boys’N’ Barry – Think What Might Have Been 3:16
- Bible Belt Blues – If You Only Knew 4:31
- Tiki Cowboys – Crickets 4:21
- Grit’s Guitar – Missing You 9:49
May 2023
If you like your music hard and heavy, bold and bombastic, you will already be familiar with the Bongo Boy Records album series Kryp II Knight. If not, you are failing in your quest to be ahead of the curve, first to the new sounds, the switched-on, and the plugged into the genre that you profess to love.
But for those not already aware of this well-established collection, this is what you need to know. The series collects, sorts and compiles the best new music garnered from classic and alternative rock, which blends muscle and melody, the hard and the heavenly. And if you ever wished that someone would put together a short list of the best music breaking in those realms so that you wouldn’t have to spend hours sorting the musical wheat from the sonic chaff…this is precisely what the label has done for you.
The aptly named Rock Steady kicks things off, Shawn Michael Perry’s opening salvo of groove-laden classic rock making for a perfect opening gambit, a real foot-on-the-monitor, fist-in-the-air declaration of the albums intent, a neat calling card and a masterful mission statement. Boys ‘N’ Barry introduces a more grunge sound into the proceedings with Love Me Do You, but its low-end growl is balanced by short blasts of squalling guitar and infectious vocals, a smart move that shows you that even rock music can move deftly with the times.
Rock, regardless of popular opinion (or declining streams), is absolutely NOT dead. Proof? Another volume of driving, modern rock and roll courtesy of Bongo Boy Records’ Kryp II Knight collection. Ready for 10 powerful tracks from up-and-coming rock artists? Then strap yourself in, press “play,” and prepare for a serious audio assault courtesy of Bongo Boy Records’ Kryp II Knight Vol. IV.
Track one, “Rock Steady” by Shawn Michael Perry, sets an immediate high-energy precedent with some solid guitar riffs. And when Perry moves into a higher register, especially to uplift the chorus, his voice reminds me of the incomparable Chris Cornell – it’s a rough, sandy voice that almost splits the throat during delivery. Great stuff, and an absolute stunning opener.
Vocally, “Love Me Do You” by Boys’N’Barry is sung through mild radio distortion. And I’m slightly reminded of Steve Miller, but with a more aggressive backing band. The bridge is very interesting with single note riffs (perhaps a bit Rush-esque?) leading to a guitar solo, and then the final chorus. With a mild punk feel, this track is so immediately catchy, I might prefer the word “contagious.”
February 2023
Bongo Boy Records Press release for Kryp II Knight compilation album
"Love Me Do You", co-written by Barry Geldzahler and Alan Roy Scott, performed by Boys'N'Barry, and produced by Kevin Fisher will be featured on Kryp II Knight IV by Various Artists and the multi-artist album will be released on Bongo Boy Records.
The song rocks out on a solid foundation of Chicago blues and reminds one of plaintive cry of love lost and then found again.
About the artist:
A transplanted Chicago boy from the north side, Barry started playing guitar and writing songs in high school. His first band, The Runaways, played extensively in the Chicago area, at the WLS Battle of the Bands as well as at many of the local colleges, fraternities, and high schools.
Eventually, the bandmates tried their hands at writing songs. Being the era of The Beatles, whose publishing company was Northern Songs Limited, and The Runaways being from Chicago, we imagined a company called Midwest Songs Limited. Imagination turned to reality in 2012 when Midwest Songs Limited LLC was incorporated in the state of Virginia and continues to this day.
Barry's college band, Boiz’enBarry Jam Session, played extensively in the Urbana, Illinois, area at many of the local pubs, fraternities, and other venues.
After a long hiatus including almost two decades at NASA Headquarters in Washington DC, a reset was in order. Leaving NASA afforded Barry the opportunity to take up songwriting seriously. Barry has been fortunate to have been mentored and partnered with fabulous co-writers and has produced award-winning songs.
The co-writers and awards are shown on his website
Many of the Boys’N’Barry songs have been picked up and reside in the APM Music Library
Dreams really can come true…with persistence and dedication…and wonderful friends.
Album Page:
February 2023
Interview in the Springfield Connection newspaper
Songwriter in Springfield Has an Ear for Lyrics
Retired scientist creates songs with an upbeat sound to drown the negatives.
Springfield resident Barry Geldzahler has experiences in different areas, including space, traveling and living in various spots. Now he spends his time writing upbeat.songs for his group called Boys’N’Barry, delivering a positive message through music.
This includes his latest hit, “It’s Christmas Time,” that features a brass section, piano, guitar and background vocals, belting out lyrics like “the reason for you and me and family,” it goes.
“I like the feel-good stuff,” Geldzahler said, and there’s feel-good stuff happening every month in his songbook. A month ago, Christmas was hot, and in February it was a Valentine’s song, and it goes throughout the year like that. “I try to write music every day, I carry a composition notebook with me,” he said. One of his songs, “Reach for the Stars,” was featured in the National Space Symposium.

Geldzahler started out thinking scientifically and went into advanced education, got a degree in astrophysics which led to a career with NASA, which went on for years. Musically he was in a band in high school, he was in another band in college. Professionally, his NASA work was partially with MIT, he lived in Germany, and married his wife who has a doctorate in social psychology. They settled in Springfield in the early 1980s.
The upbeat outlook has lived on, and for inspiration, he looks to musicians like the Beatles, Smokey Robinson, the Beach Boys, Pink and Lady Gaga. At first these musicians might seem all over the place, but they do follow a common thread of being “very melodic,” he said, and it inspires his song writing. Another motivating sound was from the 1980s group REO Speedwagon that he crossed paths with at University of Illinois.
Technology is helping make it possible to live in Springfield, work with the various musicians in Boys’N’Barry over the internet, and send stuff to a single producer that pulls it all together. Members of the group live in Maryland, Los Angeles and Sweden. This works to an extent, but Geldzahler is planning on traveling to New York and Los Angeles in person soon to make some connections for future songs. Geldzahler likes to meet face to face, and see if there’s a connection and possible future for his music. After all, all the television shows and movies being produced need some kind of music, and meeting people may be a way to make that happen.
“There’s nothing like a personal connection,” he said. One song that’s getting a lot of airplay recently is called “Kisses on my Face,” which he wrote with a friend in Australia.
At home he bounces ideas off his wife and has a son living in North Potomac, jots down ideas and keeps the music flowing. Through the years, he’s won some awards with his lyrics and loves the work he’s doing with Boys’N’Barry and Midwest Songs Limited LLC.
January 2023
#bluesmusic Boys'N'Barry will be featured on the upcoming Blues album by Various Artists The Backroom Blues Volume Twelve. Their original Blues song "Think What Might Have Been" written by Barry Geldzahler and Alan Roy Scott will be the featured track on this Blues album release by Bongo Boy Records.
"Think What Might Have Been" had its foundation in a dream-literally. Barry woke up one night with the melody and the fundamental lyric content playing in his head. Then he and Alan got together and hammered out the final lyrics and arrangement. The song fits a dark moody muted trumpet-driven genre: imagine a small, smoke-filled, intimate jazz club with a chanteuse singing of lost possibilities.
About The Artist: A transplanted Chicago boy from the north side, Barry started playing guitar and writing songs in high school. His first band, The Runaways, played extensively in the Chicago area, at the WLS Battle of the Bands as well as many of the local colleges, fraternities, and high schools.
Eventually, the bandmates tried their hands at writing songs. Being the era of The Beatles, whose publishing company was Northern Songs Limited, and The Runaways being from Chicago, we imagined a company called Midwest Songs Limited. Imagination turned to reality in 2012 when Midwest Songs Limited LLC was incorporated in the state of Virginia and continues to this day.
Barry's college band, Boiz’enBarry Jam Session, played extensively in the Urbana, Illinois, area at many of the local pubs, fraternities, and other venues.
After a long hiatus including almost two decades at NASA Headquarters in Washington DC, a reset was in order. Leaving NASA afforded Barry the opportunity to take up songwriting seriously. Barry has been fortunate to have been mentored and partnered with fabulous co-writers and has produced award-winning songs.
The co-writers and awards are shown on his website
Many of the Boys’N’Barry songs have been picked up and reside in the APM Music Library
Dreams really can come true…with persistence and dedication…and wonderful friends.
Album Page:
January 2023
Exciting Music News! Bongo Boy Records welcomes a transplanted Chicago boy from the north side Barry Geldzahler aka Boys'N'Barry with an original song titled "Crazy Mad In Love" on one of the popular album series. "Crazy Mad In Love" will be featured on the upcoming Open Genre Album VOLUME XXII by Various Artists. About The Song: a playful, uptempo, upbeat song with a retro feel written for Barry’s muse. It hits the high and low points of the relationship and eternal fidelity.
More about this talented recording artist: Barry started playing guitar and writing songs in high school. His first band, The Runaways, played extensively in the Chicago area, at the WLS Battle of the Bands as well as many of the local colleges, fraternities, and high schools.
Eventually, the bandmates tried their hands at writing songs. Being the era of The Beatles, whose publishing company was Northern Songs Limited and The Runaways being from Chicago, we imagined a company called Midwest Songs Limited. Imagination turned to reality in 2012 when Midwest Songs Limited LLC was incorporated in the state of Virginia and continues to this day.
Barry's college band, Boiz’enBarry Jam Session, played extensively in the Urbana, Illinois, area at many of the local pubs, fraternities, and other venues.
After a long hiatus including almost two decades at NASA Headquarters in Washington DC, a reset was in order. Leaving NASA afforded Barry the opportunity to take up songwriting seriously. Barry has been fortunate to have been mentored and partnered with fabulous co-writers and has produced award-winning songs. The co-writers and awards are shown on his website
Many of the Boys’N’Barry songs have been picked up and reside in the APM Music Library
Dreams really can come true…with persistence and dedication…and wonderful friends.
Here’s a link to Crazy Mad In Love:
January 2023
Monique Grimme is at Bongo Boy Records.
odrtepSnos5c1069ummfgi1a97imt12hmc1hguh6gh6m4t1gl7c4284gl71g · Blairstown, NJ ·
#americanamusic "Homemade Hero", co-written by Barry Geldzahler and 4-time Emmy winner Leonard Wolf and performed by Boys'N'Barry, will be featured on Homestead Volume Seven by Various Artists and the multi-artist album will be released on Bongo Boy Records.
The song taps into the emotions of a mom or dad raising and guiding a family and preparing the kids to face the world. No chasing fame or fortune or celebrity, but rather doing the day in and day challenges to impart a solid moral standard and fortitude. And the memories of the family and the love they shared expressed now and will pass along to the next generation.
About the artist:
A transplanted Chicago boy from the north side, Barry started playing guitar and writing songs in high school. His first band, The Runaways, played extensively in the Chicago area, at the WLS Battle of the Bands as well as at many of the local colleges, fraternities, and high schools.
Eventually, the bandmates tried their hands at writing songs. Being the era of The Beatles, whose publishing company was Northern Songs Limited, and The Runaways being from Chicago, we imagined a company called Midwest Songs Limited. Imagination turned to reality in 2012 when Midwest Songs Limited LLC was incorporated in the state of Virginia and continues to this day.
Barry's college band, Boiz’enBarry Jam Session, played extensively in the Urbana, Illinois, area at many of the local pubs, fraternities, and other venues.
After a long hiatus including almost two decades at NASA Headquarters in Washington DC, a reset was in order. Leaving NASA afforded Barry the opportunity to take up songwriting seriously. Barry has been fortunate to have been mentored and partnered with fabulous co-writers and has produced award-winning songs.
The co-writers and awards are shown on his website
Many of the Boys’N’Barry songs have been picked up and reside in the APM Music Library
Dreams really can come true…with persistence and dedication…and wonderful friends.
December 21, 2022
Article on the Boys'N'Barry Chanukah songs in the Baltimore Jewish Times
December 7, 2022
The Ark Of Music review of It’s Christmas Time
Bongo Boy Records is back with their traditional holiday release, Let’s Have a Rockin’ Christmas. Volume 7, like the past editions, is arranged in the form of a compilation album and features 11 festive tracks by indie artists from around the world.
It’s Christmas Time is unashamedly sugary and sees Boys’N’Barry whip out an upbeat, pop-soul performance with some beautiful, doo-whop chord changes. It captures the warmth of holiday romance with lyrics like “I’ll be your Santa, your Santa, baby / I’ll be your present under the Christmas tree / You mean so much to me”. This melody is sure to swim around your head during the festive season.
December 6, 2022
Let’s Have A Rockin Christmas Vol.7 – Various Artists (reviewed by Dave Franklin)
Boys’ n’ Barry kick things off in good rocking fashion with the aptly named It’s Christmas Time, the sort of song that the festive season has been grooving to since the ’60s and here taking the format to even new heights.
December 8, 2019: Boys'N'Barry radio airplay: WHUS Square Pegs and Round Circles hosted by Chicopee john. A Brand New Year at 8:04 AM and Too Much In Love at 8:07 AM
April 10, 2013
The NASA scientist and the Nats anthem
While he was driving his then-grade-school-aged
son to their first opening day together a quarter-century ago, Dr. Barry
Geldzahler asked the lad whether he knew the national anthem.
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame?” the
boy asked.
“Close enough,” Geldzahler
remembered responding.
The story occurred to NASA’s chief
scientist for space communications and navigation while explaining why he
composed a song about baseball, and specifically, an anthem for his favorite
team, the Nats.
“I thought, this should make people
happy,” Geldzahler told me this week. “We didn’t want it real complicated. We
wanted something simple, a melody that people could remember four, five, six
beers down….Something that people can carry with them when they leave the
stadium or on the way there, just something to get people going.”
The result was “Let’s Go Nats,” a
ditty that variously references the Racing Presidents, Half Street and, of
course, Natitude. Geldzahler, 64, played music in high school before
getting more serious about it in recent years; his biggest musical inspiration
remains the Beatles, whom he saw twice in concert. That’s why he helped NASA
beam the band’s “Across the Universe”
into deep space, aimed at Polaris, traveling 186,000 miles per second, a few
years back.
“I’ve been a Beatles fan for 45
years – as long as the Deep Space Network has been around,” he said at the
time. “What a joy, especially
considering that ‘Across the Universe’ is my personal favorite Beatles song.”
(As an aside, a senior NASA
scientist and SABR member who beams Beatles tunes into deep space is such a
perfect representation of the Nats fanbase. “I can get you to Mars, but I can’t
get you from Point A to Point B on Earth without a GPS system,” he joked. Love
this town.)
Anyhow, he hoped to eventually get
the Nats interested in playing the song, at least on NASA Night in July. His
son — who this season accompanied Geldzahler to their 25th opening day together
— is lukewarm on the tune; “some people will like it, but it’s more of an
’80s-type style,” he told his father. No matter. The composer listens to the
song in his car on gamedays, and does some chair dancing, and thinks he can
hear some of the joy he was trying to create.
“I mean, finally we’ve got a real
winner here,” he said. “That’s sort of what we wanted for ‘Let’s Go Nats,’ just
something people could be happy about.”
'Send my love to aliens,' says McCartney
as Beatles tune is first to be beamed into space
2nd February 2008
Daily Mail
A song by The Beatles - the most successful band of all time - is the first to
be beamed into space
The average music fan gets
to inflict their taste on a few car passengers or, if they're lucky, the
listeners of a radio request show.
NASA's Barry Geldzahler gets to impose his on the cosmos.
The agency's Deep Space Network is to transmit Dr. Geldzahler's favourite
Beatles tune 431 light years away, in an attempt to find life on other planets.
Paul McCartney and ET: Will the Fab Four's song reach alien ears as it becomes
the first tune to be beamed into space?
On the 40th anniversary of the day it was recorded, "Across the
Universe" will start travelling at 186,000 miles per SECOND but it will
still take 431 years to reach its target, the North Star.
NASA is asking Beatles fans to play the song at the same time as its scientists
push the "transmit" button at 2pm London time on Monday, in the hope
that this noise "clutter" might also reach intelligent alien life.
The agency has broadcast the group's songs into space before but only on low power
transmissions to the International Space Station. This is the first time any
song has been transmitted into deep space.
Mr Geldzahler said: "I've been a Beatles fan for 45 years - as long as DSN
has been around.
"What a joy this is, especially considering that Across the Universe is my
personal favourite Beatles song."
The song was written in 1967, mainly by John Lennon with contributions by Sir
Paul McCartney.
Sir Paul greeted the news yesterday with a message to DSN's headquarters at the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, that said: "Amazing!
Well done NASA! Send my love to the aliens. All the best, Paul."
As well as transmitting to and listening for aliens, DSN controls the
spacecraft on long range missions that have been launched to Mars, Venus and
The largest, most sensitive telecommunications system in the world, it has huge
stations at Goldstone in California's Mojave Desert, near Madrid in Spain, and
in Canberra, Australia.